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Disabled Bath aND Bathtub Lift Reviews: Bath Aids use in getting back in the Tub

Disabled Bath aND Bathtub Lift Reviews: Bath Aids use in getting back in the Tub .Many disabled or elderly people had taken baths their entire lives and now due to their injuries and limitations are unable to do so without physical help. The standard alternatives are taking a shower using a tub bench or getting cleaned up at the sink if a shower isn’t feasible. While this may not be a big deal for some disabled people, many still have a strong desire to go back to their old routine of taking a soothing bath in their own tub. Buying a bathtub lift or disabled bath lift may be a great purchase to return one to their old bathing ways.

Disabled bath lifts have been around for years however seem to get overlooked when it comes to hygiene and self-cleaning chores. Most people in this type of situation gravitate towards purchasing a tub bench or transfer bench and taking a shower using this method with or without assistance. Tub benches surely are a less expensive option and do the job fine, however if you are required to sit down anyway during the cleaning process it may be worth the extra cost to buy an entire bathtub lift system.

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The disabled bathtub lift systems available currently are relatively inexpensive and extremely reliable. The ability to immerse oneself in a bathtub and be able to get out safely and easily might be a huge ego boost to the psyche of the disabled individual.

The bath aids available both online and in store can get confusing thus each person needs to tailor the purchase to their own personal needs. For starters, if you are looking into buying a bathtub lift or disabled bath hoist, you need the flexibility to be able to get into the seat itself. Most bathtub lift models have seats that rise up to or above the tub lip thus making the transfer seamless.

This is a huge advantage over a tub bench

in that the person must get down to the level of the tub lip to sit down successfully. In addition, if you so desire to take a shower instead of a bath then simply leave the chair up higher and take your shower while sitting higher in the tub. It is truly a win win situation for those looking into a bathtub lift or bath hoist purchase.

Setup and install of a standard bath lift is very simple and can be done in less than 15 minutes. Measurement of the tub width and height is required to ensure proper fit before purchase. If you or your loved one is of larger stature and you require a heavy duty bathtub lift or hoist, be sure the model you select is meant for someone of your size. Unlike other mobility devices such as stair lifts and walkers, there are not many extra features available when it comes to bathtub lift and disabled bath hoists.

Color, style and appearance are the main differences between a lot of models. Be sure the device has a swivel seat and a chest harness to ensure that you remain in the seat during the bath. as the buoyancy of the water tends to pull some people out of the seat.

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