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Pcos Diet-What Is The PCOS Diet All About

What Is The Pcos Diet All About? There is a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome that has been making headlines lately, a condition that affects women that have hormonal imbalances. It can make their menstrual cycle very difficult to coordinate with in regard to getting pregnant in a pre-planned way. It can also cause other changes such as affecting the way that you look, and can lead to health problems.

This could be anything from heart disease to diabetes, and may even the two women developing ovarian cysts which will have to be removed at some point in time. That’s why it is called polycystic ovary syndrome for all of the above reasons, and there is a particular diet that has become well-known because of how it can be beneficial for those that have this particular condition.

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Let’s discuss a little bit more about polycystic ovary syndrome, and then talk about the PCOS diet.

How Does This Happen?

It is actually not known how this actually occurs. It is not well understood. Hormones will simply get out of balance, which will trigger a number of different changes within the women that have this condition. For example, if there sex hormones are out of balance, the ovaries will begin to make small amounts of androgens which are male sex hormones. Then they will make slightly more, and this can actually cause a woman to stop ovulating, plus develop body hair, facial hair, and get acne.

What Other Problems Can Occur?

Although developing body hair can be an unsightly problem, as well as the development of acne, there are worse problems that can occur such as the development of insulin resistance, causing blood sugar levels to skyrocket. If this continues for too long, you could end up developing type 2 or type I diabetes. Until it is fully understood, there may not be an actual pharmaceutical cure, but there are things that you can do to offset these changes once you have been diagnosed with this condition.

Diagnosing This Condition

It is actually easy to detect because of the multitude of related symptoms that can actually happen all at once. The symptoms are diverse, but it is because they are all occurring at a similar point in time that a doctor will be able to diagnose this condition. For example, fertility problems are very common, depression, irregular periods, and even the thinning of hair scalp. A woman could actually have excessive weight gain, and also trouble losing weight, making it very difficult for her from a physical perspective. In fact, many doctors believe that the depression is simply a byproduct of how quickly they are changing. There are ways of treating this condition which begins with getting regular exercise, focusing on weight control, and also having what is called a healthy pcos dieting.

What Is The Pcos Diet?

A diet that is designed for those that suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome is going to include a substantial amount of healthy fruits, nuts and vegetables. In order to get protein, women are instructed to eat beans, and should also have plenty of whole grains. They will also limit the amount of food that they consume such as any fried food, cheese, and meat. By staying on this diet for several weeks, many women will see a noticeable change, sometimes losing as much as 10 pounds. They will also notice that their menstrual cycle will get back to normal, and they also recommend eliminating unhealthy habits such as smoking if the doctor determines that your androgen levels have not diminished. This diet is basically eliminating protein in the form of meat and cheese, and limiting refined carbohydrates. It seems that these two components contribute to the imbalance that occurs, but most people would benefit from a diet where they are not ingesting hamburgers, candy, cookies, and anything else that contains fast food related products.

Do Most Women Recover From This Condition?

Although no definitive studies have been done to statistically show exactly how many women have been diagnosed with this condition, and how many have recovered by following a very specific diet, in general, most people benefit from changing their diet if they have pcos. The elimination of carbohydrates is going to automatically help you lose five or 10 pounds within a couple weeks simply because you are not ingesting process sugar. By limiting the number of carbohydrates from cakes, danishes, or even sugary cereal in the morning, is also going to help in this way. The elimination of meat is going to cause your system to process food much more efficiently, especially with high amounts of fiber. Meat takes a lot of energy out of the body, and is slow to process through the intestines, whereas the absence of meat allows both the small and large intestines to function at optimal levels.

Can PCOS Return?

Even if you d for those that are able to remain on this diet, it is not likely to return. However, doctors are not able to determine what is actually causing this, so they can only go on what is working right now. Currently, changing your diet is the best way to address this issue which can really affect your life. It’s not only going to make it very difficult for you to conceive, but it will change your appearance, and also augment your mental and emotional state significantly, because of how significant these changes can be. That’s why you should stay on this diet if you do have PCOS, and continue to work directly with your doctor to make sure that you are on the right track.

Even if you do not have PCOS, you might want to consider a diet that incorporates this simple philosophy. By limiting the number of carbohydrates in your diet, as well as meat, you are going to benefit in a large way. You will probably want to work with the dietitian just to make sure that you are on track, and continue to work with your doctor to make sure that the symptoms are dissipating. At the very least, you are definitely going to feel better about yourself because of how much weight you are losing, which will help you feel better and eliminate any significant depression that you may be experiencing by staying on the pcos diet.

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