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The Surgical Choices for Cellulite Removal and Reduction

The Surgical Choices for Cellulite Removal and Reduction .Cellulite is a difficult problem to treat successfully. Even when it comes to plastic surgery, there are only a handful of successful options available. Each of these cosmetic treatments have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to know all you can about an option before you go ahead. Below you will find the most common surgical options outlined to help you make a decision.

Liposuction is often thought of by women as an effective cellulite removal treatment. But it can actually make cellulite worse. This is because the treatment doesn t target the cause – the fibrous bands that attach the fat to the skin. Due to age, genetics or lifestyle, these bands become hard and start to pull down on the skin to create the dents, lumps and dimples that is known as cellulite. By removing the fat, cellulite can increase the dents and lumps by creating uneven fat pockets under the skin.

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Cellulite lysing targets the fibrous tissues directly and is a better option. A tube with a cutting implement on the end is inserted under the skin and the fibrous bands are detached from the skin and fat. This stops the bands from pulling on the skin and gives it a more flat appearance.

Fat transplants can also be used to pad out any dents. With this method,

fat is extracted via liposuction from the patient and then re-inserted into the fat layers where the dimples and lumps are. This gives a very natural, smooth look to the legs, buttocks and thighs. A disadvantage of this treatment is that the fat cells can be reabsorbed into the body, ruining the results. Whether this occurs depends on how skillful the surgeon is.

A much more drastic option is a lower body lift. With this treatment, a long incision is done along the abdomen and the skin is raised to tighten the thighs and buttocks. A lower body lift is a major piece of cosmetic surgery and you should think very carefully about this type of treatment. While it can be effective, you should only undergo the surgery after careful deliberation with your plastic surgeon.

Probably the least invasive cosmetic surgery option is Mesotherapy. Sometimes called Lipodissolve, the therapy requires the injections of homeopathic medicine into the cellulite fat in order to liquefy the cellulite and increase circulation. You should do your research on this method as there has been some controversy surrounding it effectiveness.

In summary, there is a number of surgery for cellulite options. Which one you choose will depend on how bad your cellulite is, your budget and how much of an invasive procedure you are willing to undergo. Whatever your choice ultimately is, it is essential that you choose a qualified surgeon whom you are comfortable with.

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