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Varicose Veins Treatments Now Available

Varicose Veins Treatments Now Available . Inflamed veins are an unsightly disorder that affects the leg, calf and thigh area in three out of ten people. The large majority of these are women who may set a high price on looking good and therefore find this condition unacceptable. Thread, spider, and varicose veins are the major types of this disorder that creates swollen veins of a dark blue or purple in the legs.

Blood is circulated in the body and also from the deep veins to ones just below the skin. The valves in the vessels which regulate the flow are sometimes prone to malfunctions. The result of this is that the valves are not closing properly and are allowing blood to form in pools. There are clinics that offer methods to correct this problem.

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How and what causes this complaint is still open to discussion. The increase of pressure on the veins caused by aging, pregnancy, and obesity can lead to thinning vein walls. This in turn creates a condition where the valves separate from the vein walls and allow blood to seep into areas of the body to pool.

Symptoms include aching, discomfort, or itchiness in the legs, lumps and blue or purple coloring under the skin. On experiencing any of these one is advised to consult a doctor as the symptoms may be something other than this ailment. It is important to understand that this condition will not improve without treatment, in fact in can only deteriorate. Non treatment can lead to complications that include superficial veins becoming reddened and painful due to inflammation or blockage, easy bleeding if bumped or cut, permanent varicose eczema discoloration, and venous ulcers.

The presence of varicose veins is obvious and quickly diagnosed by a doctor who will examine one’s legs and also need all pertinent medical history. A vascular surgeon specializing in the workings of blood vessels need only be consulted in serious cases. He may require a duplex ultra sound to eliminate the possibility of a blood clot and to check the blood flow.

Today’s technological advances have brought about a number of alternative options when looking for a cure that are less invasive and leave little or no scars. Compression stockings, laser therapy, injections, radio frequency that heats up the damaged vein and tightens it around the valve for better functionality, as well as herbal ointments all have a role to play in improving this problem. In the most severe cases surgery is still used where complete vein removal takes place.

There are many things one needs to take into consideration when one has a tendency and family history of this type of vein disorder. Avoid work that requires long periods of standing or sitting. Flying represents problems for people who have previously suffered a blood clot, are overweight, or already suffer from inflamed veins.

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